Title: Nothing Has Ever Been Ordinary Author: kittykatloren Rating: G Character/s: Mary Crawley, Matthew Crawley Spoilers: End of season 2 Word Count: 279 A/N: I just marathoned DA in two days, so needless to say I'm going through major withdrawal. This is how I deal. I'm glad I found this community! Hope you enjoy.
Title: Three seconds Author: eviebean Rating: PG Characters/Pairing: Sybil/Branson, Anna/Bates, Matthew/Mary Warnings: It's 132 words rather then 100. I am willing to accept punishment for this. Challenge: 2. Distraction
Title: A minor bet Author: eviebean Rating: K Characters/Pairing: Mary/Matthew Warnings: Maybe for the Mrs. Patmore fans. Be warned. Challenge: 1. Sacrifice